Blog that can help you reduce your pain
Are you uncertain about your pain? Do you want make sure you are doing the right thing? Schedule your Online consult.
DNS exercise
Co je to DNS cvičení? DNS je zkratka pro cvičení na základě Dynamické Neuromuskulární Stabilizace. Jedná se o koncept, který se využívá jak pro diagnostiku,
Pilates Exercise
Metoda Pilates Metoda Pilates je systém cvičení pro tělo a mysl založený Josephem H. Pilatem na počátku 20. století. Při vytváření své metody čerpal Pilates
Lymphatic pump
Přístrojová lymfodrenáž se v posledních letech stala známou a oblíbenou. Lymfatický systém hraje významnou roli vzhledem k pocitu zdraví, je nedílnou součástí imunitního systému, podílí
BPPV vertigo
Eva came to our clinic several months ago. Due to severe vertigo and lack of balance she was holding on to the walls. Her anxiety, stress levels, head spinning and headache she
Online physical therapy - seven reasons you should give it a try
Nowadays, meetings between colleagues and friends are often held in a virtual environment. Due to the COVID 19 pandemic almost everyone has experience with communication platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet, Facebook Messenger or Microsoft Teams. However, the concept of a distanced meeting is also applicable to physical therapy. As difficult and ineffective as the idea of online therapy may seem at first, the opposite is true. The demand for high-quality physiotherapy is constantly growing and the online environment opens up new possibilities to provide it to a larger number of clients.
Ankle Sprain
Ankle sprain is a painful injury preventing you from moving any further the second it happens. Sharp pain, usually on the outer side of your ankle will take your breath away and the inability to put your foot down are typical symptoms. The few following rules can help
Knee pain
We usually don't think much about our knees until they announce themselves by hurting. At such a moment, people often start to panic or try to learn to live with this unrelenting pain. Instead, I would like to show you that knees deserve your full attention and that you can effectively fight knee pain through proper and regular exercise.
Post-covid starter exercises
The post-covid exercises below will help your recovery process, improve your posture and sense of well being. The breathing exercises can help your lungs to recover from covid-19. These exercises are easy to do, help to improve diaphragmatic function and increase lung capacity. Other advantages of deep breathing exercises are reduced inflammation, improved posture, better sleep, improved immunity, calming effect and increased energy level. Postural correction, meditation and laughter exercises will help with low mood and energy levels.
Back pain
According to published articles by World Health Organization back pain affects people of all ages, from children to the elderly, and is a very frequent reason for medical consultations. The lifetime prevalence of non-specific (common) low back pain is estimated at 60% to 70% in industrialized countries. Very rarely the cause of back pain is addressed and it is often treated just by analgesics. Surgery is indicated in some cases and remains last option. Physical therapy offers conservative approach that is often very effective and safe.
Schedule a visit with the author of this blog

Magdalena Pertoldova, PT, MPT
Magdalena Pertoldova is a physical therapist with more than 25 years of clinical experience. She worked in various outpatient and inpatient clinical settings in USA, UK and Czech Republic. Magdalena specializes in outpatient orthopedic care, oncology rehabilitation and Lymphedema management.
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Magdalena’s google reviews
Your feedback is very important. Please write your review on Google just as many of my clients.
Problem : Neck pain
Therapy: Online therapy
- a clear explanation of the nature of the difficulties and the ways to remedy them,
- demonstration of effective exercises and verification of their implementation by the patient, correction of errors,
- by sending videos as guides.
Mgr Pertoldová does not overwhelm the patient with an excess of information and assigns homework realistically. I have met a number of physiotherapists in my life. I can state that the approach, procedure and results of Mgr. The Pertolds are at an incomparably higher level. M. Wawerková
Problem Back pain
Therapy Office visit
Problem Back pain
Therapy Office visit
Problem SI joint pain
Therapy Online PT
Problem Back pain
Therapy Office visit
Problem Elbow pain
Therapy Office visit
Problem Back pain
Therapy Office visit
Problem Back pain
Therapy Online PT
Problem Shoulder pain
Therapy Office visit
Problem Shin splints
Therapy Office visit, running track visit
Problem Foot pain
Therapy Office visit
Problem Rib pain
Therapy Online physiotherapy, in-person visit