Post-covid starter exercises

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The post-covid exercises below will help your recovery process, improve your posture and sense of well being. The breathing exercises can help your lungs to recover from covid-19. These exercises are easy to do, help to improve diaphragmatic function and increase lung capacity. 

Other advantages of deep breathing exercises are reduced inflammation, improved posture, better sleep, improved immunity, calming effect and increased energy level. 

Postural correction, meditation and laughter exercises will help with low mood and energy levels. 

Breathing exercises lying down on your back 

Lie on your back with your knees bent. Place one hand on your chest and one hand on your abdomen. Take a deep breath through your nose and feel your chest and abdomen rise. Exhale through your nose and feel your hands “fall”. Take 3x3 deep breaths, then rest 30 seconds. Repeat this exercise 3-5 times. 

Breathing exercises lying down on your stomach

Lie on your abdomen with your forehead resting on your hands. Inhale and exhale deeply through your nose. Take 3x3 deep breaths, rest for 30 seconds. Repeat this exercise 3-5 times. 

Seated breathing exercises 

Sit upright with a long neck and relaxed shoulders. Place a towel around your lower ribs and criss-cross it in front. As you inhale deeply through your nose, feel the resistance of the towel on your lower ribs. Exhale through your nose. Repeat 3x3 and rest for 30 seconds between sets of 3-5. 

Breathing against resistance - pursed-lip breathing 

Sit upright. Inhale deeply through your nose for the count of 3. Purse your lips and exhale deeply for the count of 6. You can also whistle, or hum or make any other sound. 

Shoulder circles

Sit upright. Gently roll your shoulders back 10x. Smile while doing this exercise. 

Laughter exercises 

Laughter is a brilliant breathing exercise. Try gradient laughter: fake smile, giggle then laugh slowly and gradually increase in tempo and volume. 


Meditation can help you overcome stressful situations, reduce negative emotions anxiety and depression. It helps you to focus, improves your memory and reduces pain. 

Start by sitting comfortably in a quiet room, set a timer for 5’ (yes only 5’) and close your eyes. Inhale and exhale through your nose. Focus on the sensation of breathing in your nostrils. As your thoughts start to wander, refocus on your breathing and sensation in your nostrils again and again and again…. 

Visit Prague Physical Therapy

For individual help schedule an Physiotherapy evaluation here. I look forward to meeting you,Magdalena Pertoldova

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