DNS exercise

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What is DNS exercise?

DNS stands for Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization. It is a concept used for diagnosis and to influence and prevent movement system disorders. The concept is based on developmental kinesiology. During the development of an individual, his or hers central nervous system (CNS) matures. The CNS is a crucial structure for motor control. Humans are the only mammals born with immature CNS. The rest of the mammals are able to move freely straight after birth. But humans must go through a motor development in order to walk upright. 

Motor Learning

The human motor learning has specific motor milestones - positions that are essential during particular developmental stages. The DNS concept uses each of these positions for therapy purposes. Why you may ask? Well, in each position that the baby goes through we can observe an ideal muscular interaction and muscle cooperation that results in an ideal posture. 

Ideal Posture

The ideal posture is a state when the muscles work together in harmony - the work is even, without overloading any muscle groups. Over the course of the life, each individual adapts their posture to their lifestyle - we sit slouched, shoulders fall forward, our head tilts forward... This leads to overloading of certain muscle groups and subsequent disruption of muscle interactions. Muscles that are used the most increase their muscle tension to protect themselves from damage and take over the function of other muscle groups. Unused muscles, on the other hand, become weak.

The Deep Stabilization System

In order to achieve an ideal posture, we need the already mentioned good muscle interplay and also certain coordination of the chest and pelvis, so that the spine can be straight. The chest is connected to the pelvis by the spine and abdominal muscles. Together they form a functional unit - a deep stabilization system. The system is active if we correctly engage the diaphragm during a breath cycle. Therefore, most DNS exercises begin with the perception of the breath and the modification of the breathing stereotype.

Why DNS?

Information about the "ideal posture" is stored in the central nervous system during the DNS exercise. As a result, the ideal setting of our body will be automated and it will be easier for us to adjust our posture to the ideal during the day. And at the same time, it comprehensively strengthens muscles in their functional interplay with other muscles. Thus, overloaded muscles are stretched and are ideally involved in movement function, while weakened muscles are strengthened. 

The Prevention of Pain

Therefore, in order to prevent injuries and pain of the motor system, it is wise to include elements from DNS in your daily exercise. This way, you shall achieve a better perception of your own body as well as strengthen your posture, that is damage throughout the day.

Visit Prague Physical Therapy

For individual help schedule an Physiotherapy evaluation here. I look forward to meeting you,Magdalena Pertoldova

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