Lymphatic pump

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Přístrojová lymfodrenáž se v posledních letech stala známou a oblíbenou. Lymfatický systém hraje významnou roli vzhledem k pocitu zdraví, je nedílnou součástí imunitního systému, podílí se na transportu živin a tělních tekutin. Jedním z významných nástrojů jak podpořit lymfatický systém je kromě manuální lymfodrenáže také přístrojová lymfordrenáž.

How can the lymphatic pump contribute to a healthier life?

Improved lymphatic circulation

Přístrojová lymfodrenáž používá kompresi pomocí nafukováním vzduchových komor a tak jemně stimuluje tok lymfy. Tlak je rytmický, pomalý a přerušovaný a napomáhá celkové cirkulaci lymfy. Tím napomáhá odstraňování toxinů, zplodin metabolismu a otoku ve tkáních. Lymfatický systém funguje jako drenážní systém pro mízu z tkáňového moku a metabolity buněk, který pracuje díky tomu, že kvůli propustnosti kapilár mohou vést lymfatické cévy i makromolekulární látky, např. protein.

Enhanced immune function

A healthy lymphatic system is essential for a robust immune response. The lymphatic pump promotes lymphatic drainage, which helps to transport immune cells, such as lymphocytes and macrophages, throughout the body more efficiently. This increased circulation of immune cells can strengthen the immune system, making it more effective in combating infections, illnesses, and even chronic conditions.

Alleviation of Lymphedema

A lymphatic pump can be a valuable tool in managing lymphedema. By stimulating lymphatic circulation and facilitating the drainage of excess fluid, it can help reduce swelling and alleviate discomfort, promoting a better quality of life for individuals with this condition.

Accelerated Healing and Recovery

After surgery or injury, the lymphatic system plays a critical role in the healing process. The lymphatic pump can aid in post-operative or post-injury recovery by promoting lymphatic circulation. By reducing swelling and facilitating the removal of cellular debris, it can accelerate the healing process and reduce downtime, allowing individuals to regain their mobility and overall well-being more quickly.

Improved Skin Health and Beauty

The lymphatic system plays a vital role in maintaining healthy skin. When the lymphatic flow is sluggish, toxins and waste can accumulate, leading to dull and congested skin. The lymphatic pump can revitalize the skin by improving lymphatic drainage, helping to remove impurities and promoting a clearer, more radiant complexion. It may also aid in reducing the appearance of cellulite and improving the overall tone and texture of the skin.


The lymphatic pump is a remarkable tool that can have numerous benefits for your health and well-being. From improving lymphatic circulation and immune function to alleviating lymphedema and enhancing healing and recovery, its potential impact on the body is substantial. Additionally, the lymphatic pump can contribute to healthier skin, promoting a more youthful and radiant appearance. Consider incorporating this innovative technology into your wellness routine and experience the transformative benefits it offers to optimize your lymphatic system and overall vitality.

Visit Prague Physical Therapy

For individual help schedule an Physiotherapy evaluation here. I look forward to meeting you,Magdalena Pertoldova

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